Aderito Soares
Adérito Soares was a member of Timor-Leste’s Constituent Assembly (2001-2002) and was the Inaugural Commissioner of Timor-Leste’s Anti-Corruption Commission (2010-2014). He holds an LLB from Indonesia and an LLM from NYU Law School (2003).
He has published on Timor-Leste internationally, including ‘A Social Movement as Antidote to Corruption’, in A New Era? Timor-Leste after the UN (ANU E-Press, 2015); ‘Combating Corruption: Avoiding Institutional Ritualism’, in The Politics of Timor-Leste (NY, Cornell Uni. Press, 2013); ‘The Parallel and Paradox of Timor-Leste and Western Sahara’, in Autonomy and Armed Separatism in South and Southeast Asia (Singapore, ISEAS, 2012).
He is currently finishing his PhD at the ANU, Canberra. He has worked for various NGOs in Timor-Leste and Indonesia and as a consultant for international agencies.