Dragonfly Thinking selected for the finals for the AI Sprint for Australia program

Dragonfly Thinking
Dragonfly Thinking

Dragonfly Thinking, an ANU spin-out founded by Professors Anthea Roberts and Miranda Forsyth, is building momentum in its start-up journey. Currently in the CSIRO’s On AcceIerate program, it has also been selected to participate in two other prestigious programs: The Australia’s AI Sprint program as well as the Defence Trailblazer.

The AI Sprint program is a collaboration between the CSIRO’s National AI Centre, Stone & Chalk, and Google Cloud to support rapid development of AI solutions. It is a new initiative searching for novel and viable AI solutions that is aligned to at least one of the five opportunity statements: Resilient and efficient supply chains, fair and transparent governance, affordable cost of living, better life and living, and superpowered workforce.

From over 200 initial applications, Dragonfly Thinking was successful in progressing from Stage 1 to Stage 2 as one of 35 teams. From Stage 2, they made it to the top 10 teams and have been selected for the finals. They will be presenting on Demo Day in June to an audience of key industry stakeholders. Winners and finalists will gain access to Australia’s AI Sprint Prize Sandbox to further accelerate their solution.

Under the Defence Trailblazer, Dragonfly Thinking will be participating in the Entrepreneurial Foundations for Defence (EFD) program. The Defence Trailblazer aims to transform defence innovation through a wide collaborative network among universities and partners, with support from the Australian Government’s Department of Education.

The EFD program is designed to support researchers, innovators and emerging companies that can provide a capability benefit to the Defence sector. The program will help to build the foundations for a successful commercialisation and provide opportunities for Dragonfly Thinking to showcase its innovation to key stakeholders within the defence market and the venture capital investment community. 

What is Dragonfly Thinking?

Watch this 60 sec video from CSIRO explaining how Dragonfly Thinking is using structured analytic techniques and AI tools to help businesses and policy makers to navigate complexity.
