Unscrambling the Globalization Debate – New StoryMap launched for Six Faces of Globalisation

Image: dp792 on Pixabay
Image: dp792 on Pixabay

Authors of Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses and Why It Matters, Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp unscramble the globalisation debate in a visually stunning StoryMap narration. The authors ask: how can we see a way forward?

Six globalisation narratives explained

As scholars of international trade and investment law, Anthea and Nicolas follow debates about the pushback against economic globalization intently. They track a growing multiplicity of arguments about globalization’s “winners” and “losers,” including perspectives on trade, inequality, disintegrating communities, corporate power, public health and environmental catastrophe. The increasingly incoherent mix of arguments and concerns began to remind them of a scrambled Rubik’s cube, with each color representing a different perspective.

In their book, Six Faces of Globalization, they identify six main narratives driving debates in the West about the virtues and vices of economic globalization. They conceptualize these six narratives as existing on the faces of a Rubik’s cube. Each one tells part of the story; none tells the whole. Each viewpoint embodies value judgments about what merits our attention and how we should evaluate what we see; none is value-free. Narratives provide the tools to contest the old normal and establish the contours of the new. How can they use their understanding of these narratives to find their way forward?

Explore the storymap here.
