Understanding Diaspora Development Lessons from Australia and the Pacific

Image: Book cover, Understanding Diaspora Development (Provided)
Image: Book cover, Understanding Diaspora Development (Provided)

Congratulations to editors Melissa Phillips and RegNet’s Louise Olliff!

Understanding Diaspora Development: Lessons from Australia and the Pacific brings together new research that engages with the concept of diaspora from a uniquely Australian perspective and provides a timely contribution to the development of research-informed policy, both in the Australian context and more broadly. It builds on the understanding of the complex drivers and domains of diaspora transnationalism and its implications for countries and people striving to develop human capabilities in a globally interconnected but also fractured world. The chapters showcase a wide range of diaspora experiences from culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia. This work demonstrates the usefulness of diaspora as a concept to explore the experiences of migrant and refugee communities in Australia and the Pacific and further understanding on the peacebuilding, conflict, economic, humanitarian and political engagements of diaspora communities globally. The insights and findings from the breadth of research featured shed light on broader debates about diasporas, migration and development, and transnationalism.
