Solomon Islands: A weak nation ravaged by a health crisis

Image: Wikimedia Commons
Image: Wikimedia Commons

by Derek Futaiasi

A Covid-19 outbreak so soon after community unrest has left state institutions playing a catch-up game.

After riots in November last year devastated certain parts of Honiara and severely crippled the Solomon Islands’ economy, the capital has been ravaged in recent weeks by the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus. The political impasse that had built up tensions associated with the riots, resulting in the deployment of troops and police from Australia and elsewhere, has since settled down – but questions are still being asked about how the virus made it to the country.

Almost 4000 positive cases have been officially reported in Solomon Islands, according to the latest statement from Minister of Health and Medical Services Culwick Togomana. Of the nine provinces in the country, only two – Temotu and Renbel – are still Covid free, a major turn-around after Solomon Islands had by-and-large kept the virus at bay as the pandemic unfolded.

Read the full article published by the Lowly Institute.
