RegNet scholars in Seattle

Image by Pexels from Pixabay under Pixabay License
Image by Pexels from Pixabay under Pixabay License

A group of RegNet scholars descended on Seattle for the 2015 Law and Society Association conference in late May. Their presentations at the conference covered transparency in trade agreements, climate change regulation, the future of divestment and voluntary environmental programs. Presentations from slides where available are linked below.

Neil Gunningham

Private Climate Change Governance and The Divestment MovementView the presentation slides.

Jeroen van der Heijden

The Value of Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) for Studying Voluntary Environmental Programmes.

Kathryn Henne

Transparency Games: Illuminating the Challenges for Transparency in Global Sport GovernanceView the presentation slides.

Kyla Tienhaaara

Transparency in and of the Trans Pacific PartnershipView the presentation slides.

Peter Drahos & Christian Downie

Going It Alone on Climate Change? Regulatory Unilateralism in the US and China.

Take a look at the complete program for the conference on the LSA website.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay under Pixabay License
