RegNet scholars draw Gender Institute support

ANU Gender Institute
ANU Gender Institute

Two RegNet propelled projects have drawn funding in the recent round of ANU Gender Institute grants.

Possibilities of Feminist Regulation

Kathryn Henne and Benjamin Authers

Co-organisers: Suzanne Akila, Cynthia Banham, Michelle Burgis-Kasthala and Emma Larking

About the project

The project, “Possibilities of Feminist Regulation,” aims to advance a feminist agenda for social change in the public domain by exploring synergies between regulatory studies and feminist scholarship. In particular, the project is designed to tap into and employ the resources provided by regulatory theory in the interests of promoting feminist praxis against the backdrop of social difference. To do so, the project brings scholars from a number of disciplines together through experimental collaborations on specific issues related directly to the intersection of gender and regulation.

Policy roundtable and Public Forum: Gender equity and social protection policies

Gemma Carey, Lara Corr & Kathy Landvogt

About the forum

This gender equity policy roundtable forms part of the Power to Persuade symposium, held from 17-18 September 2015. This ground-breaking forum will hit the big issues of how women and policy mix (or don’t) in the current policy climate. Power to Persuade connects government, academics and the community sector to discuss how to co-create better social policy. More information on the Power to Persuade symposium.
