RegNet conversations on resistance in November

Image by eflon on Flickr under the CC BY 2.0 license
Image by eflon on Flickr under the CC BY 2.0 license

The final podcast from the Conversations on Resistance series, Brexit/voice: the role of hope in resistance, is now available.

Resistance is a core concept for understanding regulation and governance. Resistance can mean active social mobilisation to change policy, non-compliance or resistance that is so quiet or passive that it is hard to identify.

In an era of increasingly polarised politics and populist anger, RegNet’s Conversations on Resistance seminar series in the month of November will focus on this concept and various manifestations of resistance across several contexts.

The seminars addressed the following questions: what kinds of methodologies are best suited to examine resistance? What are the mechanisms of resistance? To whom or what is resistance directed? Who benefits from resistance? What roles do leaks and whistle blowers play in understanding the phenomenon of resistance? Specific topics will include asylum seekers, indigenous resistance, everyday resistance and the Brexit.

The following four seminars were part of the series:

Please visit the links above for more detailed information about each Conversations On Resistance seminar and to register.
