Philippines Project collaborative research grant recipients 2017

Image by Bernard Spragg, Flickr under CC0 1.0
Image by Bernard Spragg, Flickr under CC0 1.0

The Philippines Project is excited to announce the results of the 2017 collaborative research grants scheme. Applicants submitted a number of high-quality applications, resulting in a competitive selection process.

A new round of research grants will be on offer next year.

2017 Recipients

Congratulations to the following projects awarded grants in the 2017 round:

Health governance in strengthening the referral system to reduce maternal mortality in the local communities of Manila City, Philippines

Research team: Dr Erlidia Llamas-Clark (University of the Philippines; Philippine General Hospital, Associate Professor Catherine Louise Banwell (Australian National University), Dr Teresa Neeman (Australian National University) and Dr Rosalina Roque-Tan (Manila City Health Department)

Abstract: Maternal mortality in the Philippines remains a significant social and public health concern. Harnessing available health resources and translating policies and programs into action by key stakeholders is needed as part of the effort to reduce maternal mortality rates. This research will seek to identify the roles of key stakeholders in shaping maternal and child health policies and programs in the Philippines. It will also explore further the enabling conditions and barriers to a more effective health referral system aimed at early identification and treatment of life threatening pregnancy complications.

Award: AU$15,000

Evaluating the level of awareness of the Competition Act in the Filipino MSME community

Research team: Rachel Burgess (University of Southern Queensland) and Gwen Grecia De Vera (University of the Philippines; Philippine Competition Commission)

Abstract: The Philippines Competition Act is a new ‘game-changing’ piece of legislation. It seeks to ‘level the playing field’ for all businesses, with the hope that this will lead to more inclusive, sustainable growth and development for the Philippines economy. To assist the Philippine Competition Commission in its engagement with the micro, small and medium sized enterprise (MSME) community, the proposed research will measure the current level of awareness of Filipino MSMEs in relation to competition law. In other ASEAN member states where competition laws are already in force, MSMEs have fallen foul of the newly introduced competition laws, largely because of a lack of awareness and/or knowledge. If the awareness and knowledge surrounding competition law in the Philippines can be increased in the early days of its operation, MSMEs can be empowered to utilise the competition laws to their advantage, as well as reduce the risk of ‘inadvertent’ breaches.

Award: AU$14,500

Who will bury the dead? Community responses in Duterte’s bloody war on drugs

Research team: Dr Nicole Curato (University of Canberra), Dr Jayeel Serrano Cornelio (Ateneo de Manila University) and Professor Filomin Candaliza Gutierrez (University of the Philippines-Diliman)

Abstract: This project aims to conduct an exploratory study that examines community responses to Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody war on drugs. It is envisioned to be the first phase of a longer-term collaborative project which chronicles the social and political legacies of the drug war on the community level. While international media and human rights groups have called attention to the alarming body counts in the first six months of Duterte’s administration it is equally important to take a systematic look at the communities that have directly borne the costs of war.

Award: AU$14,000

Out of session special award

In defense of the right to life: International law and death penalty in the Philippines

Research team: Dr Christopher Ward, SC (Australian Bar; Adjunct Professor, Australian National University) and Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines


This project was awarded an out of session special award.

More information about the results of this project can be accessed at this news page.

Return to the Philippines Project homepage.

Image by Bernard Spragg, Flickr under CC0 1.0
