New working paper series - rituals of human rights workshop

Image: by Free Photos from Pixabay under Pixabay Licence
Image: by Free Photos from Pixabay under Pixabay Licence

CIGJ is delighted to make available a new working paper series, Rituals of Human Rights Workshop Working Papers.

These papers were delivered at ‘The Rituals of Human Rights’ Workshop, held at the Australian National University on 25-27 June 2014 and convened under the auspices of Professor Hilary Charlesworth’s ARC Laureate Fellowship: ‘Strengthening the International Human Rights System: Rights, Regulation, Ritualism’. The papers were revised following the workshop but remain working drafts.

Please click on the links below to view the working papers:

  1. Authers, Benjamin, Charlesworth, Hilary, Dembour, Marie-Benedicte, Larking, Emma, ‘The Rituals of Human Rights’, Introduction to ‘The Rituals of Human Rights’ Workshop

  2. Banham, Cynthia, ‘Have You Seen Our Shadow Report?’

  3. Burke, Roland, ‘The Rights of Human Rights at the United Nations’

  4. Celermajer, Danielle, ‘The ritualization of human rights education and training: the fallacy of the potency of knowing’

  5. Chalmers, Shane, ‘The Beginning of Human Rights: The Ritual of the Preamble to Law’

  6. Chimni, B.S. ‘The Rituals of Human Rights Bodies: A View from the Global South’

  7. Kelly, Tobias, ‘Two Cheers for Ritual: The Committee against Torture’

  8. Larking, Emma, ‘Human Rights Rituals and Contending World Views: Inequality, Economic and Social Rights, and La Vía Campesina’

  9. Loiselle, Marie-Eve, ‘Emancipating Rituals: Women’s Empowerment through Customary Justice’

  10. Manfredi, Zachary, ‘Pluralizing the History of International Criminal Law: Reconsidering the Russell Tribunal as an Alternative form of Left Legalism’

  11. Oberleitner, Gerd, ‘Countering Ritualism: What Does it Mean to Follow-Up Human Rights Recommendations?’

  12. Suzack, Cheryl, ‘Reparatory Justice, Human Rights, and Indigenous Feminisms’

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay under Pixabay Licence.
