New hub to counter violent extremism

Image: Porter's Lodge Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Counter Terrorism Response Level Heightened by Elliott Brown, Flickr, CC-BY-2.0.
Image: Porter's Lodge Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Counter Terrorism Response Level Heightened by Elliott Brown, Flickr, CC-BY-2.0.

A new national centre to counter radicalisation and violent extremism has been launched at The Australian National University (ANU).

The Australian Intervention Support Hub (AISH), launched by Justice Minister and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Counter-Terrorism the Hon Michael Keenan, will be led by the ANU Regulatory Institutions Network in co-operation with Deakin University.

Project leader and ANU deradicalisation expert Dr Clarke Jones said the hub will include a range of experts who can provide support to those government agencies or community groups running intervention programs which aim to halt or potentially reverse the radicalisation process.

“We hope to develop evidence-based research that can assist with the development of intervention programs, which are aimed at addressing the reasons or risk factors behind radicalisation and someone’s support to violent extremist groups like the Islamic State,” Dr Jones said.

“We will also work to support those front-line service providers who are developing counter narratives and alternative pathways, to avoid having young people act out issues using violence.”

Professor Greg Barton, Chair in Global Islamic Politics at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University, and co-director of AISH, said the Hub will be a source of expertise and information for government and communities.

“Hundreds of young Australians have been prevented from travelling to join the conflict in Syria and Iraq,” he said. “But whilst this sort of intervention saves lives, it is not a sufficient response in and of itself.

“Families and community groups need to be helped to work with those stopped from travelling or found to be at risk of recruitment.”

The Attorney-General’s Department and the Australian Federal Police will provide funding for the hub, which will work with experts from universities around Australia and the International Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism in the United Arab Emirates.

Image: Porter’s Lodge Portsmouth Historic Dockyard Counter Terrorism Response Level Heightened by Elliott Brown, Flickr, CC-BY-2.0.
