Hilary Charlesworth and Emma Larking discuss their new book on Allegra

Image: Emma Larking and Hilary Charlesworth (RegNet)
Image: Emma Larking and Hilary Charlesworth (RegNet)

Hilary Charlesworth and Emma Larking have a ‘virtual conversation’ on Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World, about their new edited volume, Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review: Rituals and Ritualism, published with Cambridge University Press.

In the virtual conversation they respond to questions from Allegra regarding the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), how the decided on contributors to the book, the ritualistic dimension to the UPR, as well as other issues. Read their responses in detail here.

Allegra Lab is a collective of academics, an association and an online experiment founded in 2013. It explores creative ways to fill the ‘dead space’ that exists between traditional modes of academic publication and ongoing scholarly and societal debates. Allegra Lab discusses issues related to anthropology, law, art and beyond, and it is run by a diligent editorial team of professional scholars.
