HDR Supervisor of the Month: Professor Miranda Forsyth

Image: Miranda Forsyth (ANU, RegNet)
Image: Miranda Forsyth (ANU, RegNet)

RegNet’s Professor Miranda Forsyth has been being awarded the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Supervisor of the Month Award for July 2022.

For Miranda, supervising PhD students is both a tremendous joy and a significant responsibility.

“The PhD journey is incredibly intellectually exciting, but it can also be a long and arduous one. Especially in the past few years, many students have struggled with difficult issues caused by isolation and the impacts of Covid-related restrictions on their initial plans. I view PhD students as relational beings, not as isolated individuals, but embedded within families and other sources of connection and commitments,” she says.

“Working with PhD students provides an invaluable opportunity to learn from them and to see research problems and solutions from different perspectives. Working as I do with students from our Asia Pacific region, ultimately I seek to walk alongside and support the leaders of tomorrow.”

Congratulations, Miranda!
