Felicity Gray speaking at the UN Protection of Civilians Week

Felicity Gray, RegNet
Felicity Gray, RegNet

On Thursday, May 25 2023, Nonviolent Peaceforce’s Advocacy team and the Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nation co-organised an event on community protection as a part of the annual Protection of Civilians Week at the United Nations.

Drawing from some of her research at RegNet, PhD scholar Felicity Gray delivered an opening remarks on strengthening protection of civilians through community-led approaches.

“When we re-centre civilians in how we understand protection, we re-orient where agency and power is found. We start to disrupt some of the power asymmetries that often characterise protection initiatives, where ‘protection actors’ are separate to communities and wield power-over, rather than power-with,” she said.

Read Felicity’s full opening remarks here.
