ARC Laureate Fellowship: PhD scholarship

A four-year full-time PhD scholarships starting July 2023 is available with the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship in Governance for Planetary Health Equity. The PhD scholar will be based in Canberra at the Planetary Health Equity Hothouse in the ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet). The primary supervisor is ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Sharon Friel. Find out more.
To express your interest
- Contact Dr Friel at for an informal enquiry and discussion.
- To be considered for the scholarship please send the following to Prof Friel by COB 20th Feb 2023:
- CV
- 5 page research proposal including research question, rationale, theoretical perspectives, brief overview of potential methods and references.
- After reviewing the applications, potential candidates will be invited to a zoom interview with Prof Friel and the two Laureate Research Fellows on 28th February 2023.
Making a full application
- Following the zoom interview, if you are invited by Prof Friel to make a full application for admission to the ANU PhD Program: • Apply to the ANU PhD program through the process outlined on the ANU website and-international-applications • At the same time as you apply, email stating that you wish to be considered for the ‘ARC Laureate Fellowship Scholarship’. Make sure that this email includes your ANU application number.
To be eligible for the award of this scholarship a student must: • Be seeking to enrol as a full-time student in a research higher degree program at the Australian National University; and • Have completed an Australian university honours degree (at the level honours 2A or above), or equivalent prior studies in Australia or elsewhere (for example a Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or equivalent; and Master’s degree with a significant research thesis component and/or relevant experience that includes some research work in the field of political/social sciences and health.