ANU Philippines Project PhD Scholarship

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Purchased for editorial and non-editorial use from Shutterstock by CAP - Settlement on water, Cebu City, Philippines

A three-year full time PhD Scholarship within the ANU Philippines Project located in the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet).

About the ANU Philippines Project

The ANU Philippines Project was established in 2016 to strengthen academic and policy engagement between the Philippines and Australia. It is envisioned to be a leading centre in the Asia Pacific for policy-informed research on Philippine politics, economics, law and justice, and conflict and security. It runs four key programs to foster policy-engaged research, dialogue and collaboration between Philippine and Australian scholars, policy makers and practitioners: the Philippine Update Conference, Visiting Fellowships, Collaborative Small Research Grants, and the Philippine Forum Series. Since its establishment, the Philippines Project has awarded fellowships and collaborative grants to work on various topics such as maternal health, competition, law, community empowerment, Mindanao conflict, trade governance and regulation.

The ANU Philippines Project PhD scholarship is aimed at producing high-quality research on the key thematic areas and to contribute in fostering linkages between the academic and policy community between the Philippines and Australia through their research project. The scholar is also expected to contribute in the Project activities particularly through the monthly Philippine Forum Series, the biennial Philippine Update Conference, and production of a quarterly review of the Philippines.

About the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet)

The School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) is one of five Schools/Centres in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP). It is a dynamic community of scholars from different disciplines united by an interest in governance and regulation. It has received international recognition as one of the world’s most vibrant governance and regulatory academic centres, and is built on principles of justice, sustainability and human well-being.

Expressions of interest are welcome on any of the four thematic areas – economics, politics, conflict and security, and law and justice. The successful candidate will be supervised by a senior academic and the Director of the ANU Philippines Project.


The scholarship is open to domestic (Australian nationals or permanent residents) and international (Philippine nationals) students wishing to commence a full-time PhD on the early 2019. The scholarship provides for an annual stipend valued at the Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship equivalent, which is $27,082 for 2018.

The scholarship will be awarded for a maximum period of three years. The ANU Philippines Project scholarship does not provide for tuition fees but RegNet offers international fee waivers for the successful applicant. In addition, the candidate will receive an allowance of up to $7,000 over the period of their PhD candidacy to enable them to undertake fieldwork and attend conferences, subject to the approval of their supervisor.

All RegNet PhD scholars receive shared office space and are required to complete one year of part-time coursework that is provided free of charge. The scholarship does not include funding for overseas student health cover (OSHC), but there is some support to assist with relocation expenses (international return economy airfares for a single person).


To be eligible for the award of this scholarship a student must:

  • be enrolled, or be seeking to enrol, as a full-time student in a research higher degree program at RegNet, Australian National University;

  • already hold, or about to complete, an Australian Bachelor Degree with at least Second Class Honours - Upper (though First Class Honours is often required for a scholarship) or its international equivalent, or a Postgraduate Degree with a significant research thesis component, and;

  • have met the English language requirements (if you are an international student).

To express your interest

The ANU Philippines Project/ RegNet PhD Scholarship is considered as part of the application for admission to the ANU PhD program, provided that applicants submit their application by the stated deadline (usually 31 August). Applicants must apply through the ANU higher degree by research applications process, identifying the ANU Philippines Project/ RegNet PhD scholarship on their expression of interest form.

For guidelines regarding how to express your interest, please consult RegNet’s website. After doing so, submit the following materials to RegNet’s HDR administrator (, att: Hisako) by 2 July 2018:

  1. Completed expression of interest form
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Academic transcripts
  4. IELTS/TOEFL results (if applicable)
  5. Thesis proposal (5-10 pages)

Upon review, the Director of Education will advise regarding the next steps of the application process.
