Anthea Roberts on Policy Forum: Integrating risk, reward and resilience in policy

Image: PFP 2023 Ep12 -image_policy forum
Image: PFP 2023 Ep12 -image_policy forum

This episode of Policy Forum delves into the new Risk, Reward, and Resilience Framework with Professor Anthea Roberts and Dr Arnagretta Hunter.

The pair, along with host Sharon Bessell discuss how this framework can be applied across multiple disciplines from health to climate change to work through complex policy challenges.

Its goal is to break down the silos of thinking, and enable insights from diverse disciplines to not just be ‘bolted on’ to ideas, but be included right from the beginning. Anthea Roberts encourages experts to learn to speak ‘policy pidgin’ and communicate in an interdisciplinary dialogue, while still maintaining their specialty knowledge and perspective.

The discomfort of ideas, rather than just agreement, is beneficial under this framework. Arnagretta Hunter also raises how uncertainty should be incorporated into best practice, not just in health care settings, but across a broad range of policy spheres.

Implementing the framework will require changing how we listen to create a space that will inform and broaden our thinking. Listen to the episode here.

Image credit: Crawford School of Public Policy
