An afternoon of celebration

Image: (L-R): Mallory Dobner, Depi Susilawati, Doug Allan (ANU, RegNet)
Image: (L-R): Mallory Dobner, Depi Susilawati, Doug Allan (ANU, RegNet)

On 15 July 2022, we celebrated the graduation of our PhD scholar, Douglas Allan and our Master of Criminology, Justice and Regulation (MCJRE) graduate, Mallory Dobner. Our heartiest congratulations goes out to them as well as to our Postdoctoral Fellow, Depi Susilawati who graduated from Fenner School of Environment & Society.

RegNet PhD graduate
Douglas Allan
Financial Crime Tradecraft: A Critical Study of the Mechanics of Financial Crime

Master of Criminology, Justice and Regulation (MCJRE) graduate
Mallory Dobner
Never just a Rhino Horn: An Analysis of Online Poaching Discourse

RegNet Postdoctoral Fellow
Depi Susilawati (Fenner School of Environment & Society graduate)
Regulating the journey of timber: legality and sustainability governance in Indonesian wood value chains

We wish our graduates all the best in their future endeavours and hope that the knowledge and skills they have gained, along with the networks and collegial relationships will serve them well as they begin their next chapter.
