Accelerated energy transition looms for Europe - Emma Aisbett quoted on ABC News

Image: Jürgen Mangelsdorf on Flickr
Image: Jürgen Mangelsdorf on Flickr

RegNet Fellow Dr Emma Aisbett has told ABC News that it’s clear Europe is economically vulnerable to Russia because of its dependence on energy imports, a reliance that has only grown in recent years.

She said while it would take years before Europe could gain its energy independence, that time frame was likely to have become significantly shorter because of Russia’s actions.

Emma predicted the shift could have potential upsides for Australia, which could become a major energy supplier to Europe as it substituted gas with renewable sources such as batteries and hydrogen.

Read the article on ABC News.

Image credit: Nord Stream 2 by Jürgen Mangelsdorf on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
