Simon Taylor_provided
PhD (UNSW Sydney) 2023

As a Visiting Fellow at the School of Regulation and Global Governance, the Australian National University, Simon is a Science & Technology Studies scholar who interrogates the infrastructural and genealogical dimensions that constitute autonomous decision systems. This includes tracing digital, network, and data elements within biometrics, machine learning, operational sensing, and autonomous drones. As a committee member of Standards Australia he has contributed to working groups on standards making in the field of Artificial Intelligence and as a Research Associate with Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation he has contributed to policy on Cyber-Security, the Internet of Things, Privacy, and Digital Identity fields. Recently his work has expanded through participation in a Mellon Sawyer funded two-year Seminar at the University of Cambridge, London to include research on the use of artificially intelligent systems on animals in Precision Agriculture and in surveillance of the ocean. Recent publications include: - Taylor, S.M. "Species ex machina: ‘the crush’ of animal data in AI" (2023) BJHS Themes, 1-15. doi:10.1017/bjt.2023.7 - Taylor, S.M. "Technical Hallucination: how drones read oceans" (2023) Drone Aesthetics: War, Culture, Ecology edited by Dr Michael Richardson & Dr Beryl Pong, Open Humanities Press. - Taylor, S. M., Gulson, K. N., & McDuie-Ra, D. "Artificial intelligence from colonial india: Race, statistics, and facial recognition in the global south." (2022) Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(3), 663-689. - Taylor, S. M., & De Leeuw, M. " Guidance systems: from autonomous directives to legal sensor-bilities." (2021) AI & Society, 36, 521-534.

Research Interest

Technical Infrastructure Provenance of Datasets Environmental Computing Architectures of Sound, Signal and Noise Regulation of Artificial Intelligent Systems