Simon Corden
Simon has worked in the area of regulatory policy and practice for more than 20 years across a diverse range of subject areas. He commenced a Ph.D at RegNet in January 2024.
Simon’s previous government roles include commissioner at Victoria’s Essential Services Commission, and senior executive positions in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Department of Treasury and Finance, the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission, Worksafe Victoria and the Productivity Commission.
He has been a consultant to the OECD in Mexico and drafted the OECD’s guidance on the governance of regulators. From 2011 to 2019 he was a Director in KPMG’s public policy practice, working on nearly 60 regulatory projects. He is now an independent public policy consultant. He was Chair of the ANZSOG auspiced National Regulators’ Community of Practice from January 2020 until September 2021.
Research Interest
Regulatory design and practice Governance of regulators
HDR Supervisor/s
Veronica TaylorThesis Title/Topic
When do independent government reviews affect regulatory practice, and why?