Sandra Elhelw_RegNet

Sandra Elhelw

Sandra's research focuses on domestic and family violence in Australian Muslim communities. She has qualifications in law, international relations, and Middle Eastern and central Asian studies. Sandra is also the CEO of the Settlement Council of Australia, the peak body representing Australia’s migrant and refugee services. The Council has over 100 member organisations that work with migrants and refugees to build a new life in Australia. In her current role, Sandra leads the sector in building an inclusive society where migrants and refugees belong and thrive. Prior to joining SCOA, Sandra worked in frontline roles supporting migrants and refugees, and managed the delivery of the Humanitarian Settlement Program in the ACT, which works with refugees upon arrival to help them settle in Australia. She also worked in government, where she progressed law reform in the areas of sexual assault and family violence, Sandra sits on a wide range of advisory boards and committees related to migrants, refugees, and equity.

HDR Supervisor/s

Kate Henne

Thesis Title/Topic

Domestic and family violence in Australian Muslim communities