Russell Leslie, Image provided by Russell Leslie
PhD (ANU), M.Nuc.Sci (ANU), B.Sc.Hons (Melb Uni)

For most of my professional career I have worked in positions that require an extensive familiarity with: the legal framework of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards; IAEA reporting and inspection procedures; and the technical aspects of safeguards for a broad range of nuclear facilities. From 2011 to 2019, as the head of an Operations section in the IAEA, I was responsible for the implementation of safeguards in sixteen European countries including two nuclear weapon states (France and the UK). In this role I lead a multi-national team of around twenty professional and clerical staff.

From 2019 to 2022 was responsible for the implementation of safeguards at Japanese reprocessing and mix-oxide fuel fabrication facilities as well as a variety of other States in the Asia-Pacific region (including Indonesia and the Philippines). In my role as a section head I gained direct, current and practical experience of the wide range of issues which affect the day to day workings of the IAEA safeguards system including all in-field and headquarters activities. Each year I was responsible for ensuring that the State Evaluation Groups for my States were able to draw credible safeguards conclusions for the States under my section's responsibility. Before rejoining the IAEA in 2011 I was a Director in the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (an office within the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)).

I was regularly involved in negotiating international treaties and agreements (starting in 1989 as a junior member of the team negotiating Australia’s nuclear transfer agreement with the USSR and near the end of my time with ASNO, in 2011, as team lead negotiating an update to Australia's bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement with the EU). At ASNO, through my long-term role as coordinator of the Australian Safeguards Support Program (ASSP), I developed, and continue to maintain, an extensive network of contacts within the international safeguards community. I have extensive experience as a lecturer and public speaker. I have been a guest lecturer in IAEA training courses in China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam and South Africa and I have also frequently delivered papers at international conferences such as the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA). I also managed and presented ASNO's series of regular lectures on technical non-proliferation topics for elements of the Australian Public Service involved in counter proliferation.

In addition to my current work with RegNet I undertake consultancies through ANU Enterprise for the Australian Safeguards and Non-proliferation Office and the African Commission on Nuclear Energy.

Research Interest

Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear safeguards.