Rasika Jayasuriya
Rasika Jayasuriya has worked for over two decades across the government, multilateral and civil society sectors on policy issues related to migration and human rights. She has held positions as a Policy Specialist and Consultant with the Migration and Displacement team at UNICEF Headquarters and the UN Network on Migration at IOM-UN Migration in Geneva. She has also worked for the Australian Attorney-General’s Department on human trafficking and for the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet on migration and refugee policy.
Rasika holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne’s Law School, focusing on temporary labour migration and child rights, and was a Doctoral Associate with the global ‘Gender, Migration and the Work of Care’ project at the Centre for Global Social Policy, University of Toronto. She is also a Member of the Gender and Care Hub at Oxford University.
Her publications include Children, Human Rights and Temporary Labour Migration: Protecting the Child-Parent Relationship (Routledge, 2021) and ‘The Migration of Women Domestic Workers from Sri Lanka: Protecting the Rights of Children Left Behind’ (2015) 48 Cornell International Law Journal 579.