George Mason
Kia ora – tena koe Ko Mason te Mauunga Ko Hurunui te Awa Ko Mason te Iwi Ko Sue taku whaiaipo Ko Scartlett ratou – ko Otis, ko Ruby aku tamariki Ko taku tino rehia he purei I nga peke puhipuhi No Te Waipounamu ahau, no Huruni, no Mason’s Flat engari Kei Whanganui-a-tara ahau, kei Tapu Te Ranga e noho ana Ko Hori toku ingoa. My mountain is Mt Mason, my river is the Hurunui. I was born at Mason's Flat in the South Island but now live in Island Bay in Wellington. My passion is playing the bagpipes. While in Wellington, I have gained 30 years experience in the New Zealand government in legal and regulatory roles with a focus on human rights, workplace health and safety, labour, immigration, and refugee law.
Research Interest
Regulatory governance with a focus on regulatory failure and regulator legitimacy.
HDR Supervisor/s
Veronica Taylor Fiona HainesThesis Title/Topic
Regulatory Failure - What Can Social Systems Theory Add
Contact Email
george.mason@anu.edu.auContact Phone
+64 27 243 0536