
Associate Professor Ashley Schram

BA (Hons Psychology), MSc (Measurement and Methods), PhD (Population Health)

Ashley is an Associate Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) and Deputy Director of the Australian Research Centre for Health Equity (ARCHE).

Ashley is an interdisciplinary health researcher investigating the intricate relationships between social structures, policy, governance, equity, and human wellbeing. Her work critically analyses, measures, and monitors systemic changes – shifts in rules, norms, power dynamics, and resource distribution that stratify society and influence health outcomes.

At the heart of her research lies an exploration of power and privilege. She investigates these phenomena through the lens of economic policy, with a focus on investment policies and practices. A/Prof Schram has a keen interest in social impact investing, examining its potential and limitations in addressing societal challenges. Beyond economic policy, her research extends to environments for human health, with a primary emphasis on food systems. She delves into the financial and corporate forces shaping these systems, uncovering the complex interplay between economic interests and public health outcomes.

Available Projects:

I am always eager to hear from potential Masters and PhD students who have an interest in working on projects in the following areas:

  • studies of the production of structural inequities and the maldistirbution of socioeconomic advantage related to human health
  • studies of food systems governance related to investors and investments; as well as the growing agtech industry, including the role of finance in advancing agtech
  • studies of investment policy and practice in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, particularly those with a focus on the governance of, and social outcomes of, impact investment and other social financing (e.g., social impact bonds)

Research Interest

  • the production of social and health inequities
  • privilege and the distribution of socioeconomic advantage
  • food systems governance
  • investment governance
  • public policy

Expertise Area(s)

Geopolitics, economics and security
Health equity and well-being
Global governance and regulatory institutions
Private power and corporations

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