Steve Munns
Steve joins RegNet from the Australian Commonwealth Department of Human Services where he was recently a Director in the Assessment Services Branch having responsibility for health & allied health professionals who undertake professional assessments in Northern Australia, North, Central and South East QLD. Steve was the Director for the Departments Forensic Psychology Team having experience in the forensic psychology field which has seen him work and study in various forensic environments both in Australia and the United Kingdom. Steve’s previous postgraduate studies have been in the areas of Cognitive Neuroscience, Forensic Psychology and Public Administration.
Having been awarded the inaugural Pat Turner scholarship through the Sir Roland Wilson Foundation, Steve’s doctoral research aims to understand the nature, prevalence and severity of service user violence and aggression perpetrated against frontline Australian Public Servants. By using a mixed methods approach it is hoped that the outcome of this research will determine what factors or responses are most promising in preventing aggression, as well as delivering an evidence based way forward in developing proactive risk mitigation polices leading to a reduction in physical and psychological injuries.