Sekti Widihartanto_RegNet

Sekti Widihartanto joined the PhD program at RegNet as a practitioner, he had been working at the Indonesian tax office for 17 years when he started the program. He was interested in the field of ‘policy transfer’ and he undertook his research on Regulating Indonesia High Wealth Individual Taxpayers.

When he graduated in 2015, he returned to the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes before joining the Central Transformation Office (CTO) at the Secretariat General of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. It is a high-profile unit dedicated to managing the transformation program in the ministry as part of its bureaucracy reform program.

After serving more than five years at the CTO since early 2020 Sekti was appointed as one of deputy directors at the Indonesian Financial Professions Supervisory Body. This current position is related closely to the knowledge about regulation he gained during his PhD.