Kuntal Goswami_RegNet

After completing his PhD (ANU- CDU) in 2018, Dr Goswami became a visiting researcher at RegNet between 2018-2020. Currently he is a Post Doctorial Research Fellow at Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University (Alice Springs Campus).

Dr Kuntal Goswami is a Practicing Financial & Tax Accountant, Academic and Researcher. He runs his own accounting firm (www.accountingbusinesscare.com.au). He teaches in both University & Higher Education Sector as well as Vocational Education Sector. He also founded two research foundations to promote sustainable development-based research : Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation - A Research Centre (An Australian Registered Charity Org) www.acsdri.com and South Asian Institute for Sustainable Development (SAISD) www.saisd.org.in From his research foundations he publish an Academic Magazine: The Blue Planet.

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