Dr Nicholas Frank
Nicholas Frank is a Laureate Research Fellow with the Planetary Health Equity Hothouse in the School of Regulation and Global Governance. Prior to this, he was an Associate Lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University. Nicholas specializes in the political economy of trade and investment governance. Nicholas employs formal theory, econometrics, inferential network approaches, and text-as-data techniques in his research.
Nicholas has consulted for the ITC and OECD on inclusive trade and industrial policy respectively. Before joining ANU, Nicholas worked at the WTO and ICTSD on a variety of trade and development topics including trade negotiations, regional integration, value chain upgrading, trade and gender, and services sector development.
Nicholas holds a PhD in Regulation and Global Governance from the Australian National University, an MSc in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics, as well as Honours in International Relations and a Bachelor of Commerce (PPE) from the University of Cape Town. He has undertaken graduate quantitative methods training at Purdue and the University of Michigan.
Research Interests
- Global trade and investment policy
- Multinational enterprises and production structures
- Varieties of capitalism
- Computational social science methods (inferential network approaches, text-as-data etc)