Shelley Bielefeld_RegNet

Dr Shelley Bielefeld

Before her employment at Griffith Law School as an ARC DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer, Dr Bielefeld was the Inaugural Braithwaite Research Fellow at the School of Regulation and Global Governance at the Australian National University.

Dr Bielefeld’s interests include Indigenous law and policy issues, welfare law and policy, race discrimination, racial states, racism, governance and regulation, and poverty surveillance.

Her current research projects are an ARC DECRA: Regulation and Governance for Indigenous Welfare: Poverty Surveillance and its Alternatives (DE180100599) and an ARC Discovery Project: Conditional Welfare: A Comparative Case Study of Income Management Policies (DP180101252), the latter with Professor Greg Marston, Associate Professor Philip Mendes, and Associate Professor Louise Humpage.

Dr Bielefeld’s research and research-based submissions have had an impact on policy debate, and been referred to in major reports by the Australian Law Reform Commission, the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, the Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs, and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights.

Dr Bielefeld has also taught, developed and coordinated numerous courses, including Indigenous Australians and the Law, Contract Law, Property Law, and Constitutional Law.