Projects / Initiatives

The Law and Justice Development Community of Practice (LJCoP) brings together practitioners engaged in regional and international law and justice initiatives, particularly those funded by Australia. Members are professionals working across government, research institutions, non-governmental organisations and the private sector who design, fund, implement and research projects in the broad field of law and justice development.

Established following an inaugural expert workshop in November 2016, the Community of Practice is a platform to connect local and international practitioners within Australia and the Asia Pacific - to share ideas, learn from professional peers, make new connections and explore opportunities to collaborate. The Law and Justice CoP meets 3 to 4 times a year at an annual conference and mid-year workshops. It hosts its first in-country workshop, in Jakarta, in July 2018.

The Law and Justice CoP is supported with funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for the period 2018-21 and by contributions from the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) at the Australian National University.

Featured publications and resources

If you are interested in joining the Law and Justice Community of Practice or would like to read more about the community and its activities, please visit the website.

The LJCoP aims to hold 3-4 events per year. You can find information about upcoming events here, which includes both scheduled events and ‘save the date’ notifications.

Digital resource materials produced by the community and its members are available online here.

Hero image by unsomenasiapacific on flickr