Do legal crises constitute a glass cliff for female corporate leaders?
The glass cliff phenomenon suggests that women and other minorities are likely to be appointed to leadership positions when an organization is in crisis. Using administrative data on the largest US-based and publicly held corporations (1996-2013), Sally examines whether women are more likely than men to be appointed to corporate leadership positions when companies experience legal crises and if appointments vary by the stage of the legal case (e.g., informal investigation, a case is brought formally, or resolved).
Sally also explores whether results differ depending on the type of crisis (financial versus environmental case) or type of leadership (TMT or Board of Directors) and if adding women lowers the risk of future offending. The presentation concludes with a brief discussion of next steps.
About the speaker
Sally S. Simpson is Distinguished University Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Emerita) and past Director of CBERC at the University of Maryland, College Park. Research interests include white-collar/corporate crime, criminological theory, and gender, crime, and justice. Simpson has served as President of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Law and Justice, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. She is an ASC Fellow and 2018 recipient of the ASC Edwin H. Sutherland Award.
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