Twenty years on – Valerie Braithwaite revisits memories of September 11

Image credit: Ged Lawson from Unsplash
Image credit: Ged Lawson from Unsplash

As the world marks the 20th anniversary of September 11 and pays tribute to the victims, our very own Emeritus Professor Valerie Braithwaite reflects on the passing of Leslie Whittington, who along with her family were on a flight inbound for Australia as a visiting fellow at the then Centre for Tax System Integrity at ANU.

Valerie, who was the then-head of the centre, sometimes blames herself for the eagerness to arrange a visiting fellowship for Leslie.

“And I suppose I thought, well, I wished I hadn’t tried quite so hard. They might still be safely in their houses. I think that feeling haunted me for a long time afterwards.”

Full story from ABC News.
