RegNet alumnus Derek Futaiasi appointed as Solomon Islands’ Permanent Secretary

Recent Australian National University (ANU) graduate, Dr Derek Futaiasi, has been appointed as Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace, and Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA) in the Solomon Islands. This significant milestone was marked by a swearing-in ceremony held recently at Government House, officiated by Acting Governor General Sir Albert Palmer.
Derek’s journey to this important role is underscored by his academic achievements and professional experience. Having completed his PhD at the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) at ANU, his thesis, Networks and Nodes: The Governance of Constituency Development Funds in Gizo/Kolombangara and Baegu/Asifola, Solomon Islands, explored whether shifting the focus of governance studies on Constituency Development Funds (CDFs) in the Solomon Islands from state regulation to collective governance can offer fresh insights and solutions to the perceived issues in their administration and distribution.
Before pursuing his doctoral studies, Derek served in various capacities within the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Solomon Islands, where his interest in CDFs and their connection to issues such as the separation of powers began to take shape.
Professor Miranda Forsyth, Derek’s supervisor, is proud of what he has achieved so far and believes he will excel in his new role.
“Throughout his PhD journey, Derek has shown remarkable ability to delve deep into complex governance issues,” she says.
“His commitment to finding effective governance structures for the Solomon Islands is unwavering. I am confident that Derek will excel in his new role as Permanent Secretary, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and a deep sense of purpose.”
We wish Derek all the best as he embarks on this important chapter in his career!