Contemporary Restorative Practices Conference: from Awareness to Practice to Transformation

From awareness to practice to transformation
The Conference will be held in Canberra from Wednesday 21st November to Sunday 23rd November, 2024.
This Conference provides a platform for practitioners, scholars, First Nations leaders and other experts to share the latest in restorative practices. The Conference will cover current and emergent restorative practices across areas such as justice, education, health, workplace relations, First Nations communities, faith communities and the environment.
The event provides participants with a great chance to connect, converse, and share knowledge on restorative practices happening around Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, and beyond. By collaborating, the aim is to facilitate the sharing of ideas, practical examples and insights into how to prepare well for applying restorative practices in myriad areas, in ways that promote healing and community wellbeing.
Participants will include practitioners, academics, policymakers, researchers, First Nation leaders, and representatives from government and non-government organisations, as well as professional and faith communities.
If you're passionate about restorative practices and eager to expand your knowledge, being a part of the Conference in November 2024 is a fantastic opportunity you won't want to miss!
Registration for the Conference now open
Registration for the Conference is now officially open.
There are special rates for students and for members of the Australian Association for Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices International.
To check out the registration details, including registration forms, click here.