Projects / Initiatives

RISE was a set of four experimental-longitudinal tests of restorative justice as a diversion from prosecution in Canberra. These tests compared the many consequences of crime and justice for victims and offenders randomly assigned to have cases prosecuted in court or diverted to a restorative justice conference.

Four separate experiments enrolled cases in 1995-2000, for which data collection continued until 2010. One experiment enrolled cases of violent crime committed by offenders under age 30. A second enrolled cases of property crime against personal victims by offenders under 18. A third enrolled cases of shoplifting in major department stores by offenders under 18. The fourth experiment enrolled offenders arrested for drinking and driving during random breath tests.

Outcomes include reoffending patterns of offenders; satisfaction with justice experienced by victims and offenders; feelings of shame, anger and desire for revenge; employment, health and other dimensions of the life course.